Stibbe assists Schoolkracht Stibbe assisted Schoolkracht, a private consortium consisting of AG Real Estate, EPICO², Rebel and Ethias, with the realisation of a DBFM (Design, Build, Finance, Maintain) programme for the first cluster of 27 Schools of Flanders.
Navigate the Belgian legal real estate landscape with confidence: your 2023 real estate guide is out The 2023 Belgian legal real estate guide covers most legal topics you will encounter as an investor in or developer of Belgian real estate, taking into account the latest legal reforms. Order your complementary copy now.
Deep dive into forward deals: forward funding and forward commitment This article discusses the main considerations when considering and structuring forward deals.
On the Board room agenda: ESG & sustainability risks and opportunities throughout the supply chain When handled properly, ESG and sustainability create opportunities for companies in the real estate sector to make their business model future proof and to benefit the bottom line. ESG has thus become an important driver for business considerations.
Stibbe advises Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe assisted the Belgian Buildings Agency (federal government agency) on the construction of six prison compounds in Belgium.