Litigation and Arbitration


Commercial Law | NL & EU Law

Our Litigation and Arbitration practice group is one of the largest dedicated practices among major law firms in the Netherlands. This blog analyses recent judgments, gives guidance to legislative changes and comments on recent developments in law.

High street shoppers Amsterdam
NL Law

De nieuwe duurzaamheidsreclamecode: lessen voor de praktijk uit een jaar toetsing door de Reclame Code Commissie

In het eerste jaar sinds de inwerkingtreding van de Code voor Duurzaamheidsreclame zijn er 22 uitspraken geweest van de Reclame Code Commissie en het College van Beroep waarin een reclame-uiting aan de CDR is getoetst. Dit blog bevat een analyse.

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High street shoppers Amsterdam
NL Law

The new sustainability advertising code: lessons from one year of review by the advertising code committee

In the first year since the SAC came into force there have been 22 rulings by the ACC and the AT in which an advertisement has been tested against the SAC. This blog addresses the lessons that can be drawn from an analysis of these rulings.

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Cars drive along a wide street lined with modern buildings in Luxembourg City, where bike lanes, traffic lights, and trees border the sidewalk
NL Law

Driving range of electric car falls short; buyer allowed to terminate contract

The Dutch Supreme Court recently rendered a judgment that might enable buyers of electric cars to terminate their purchase agreement or reclaim part of the purchase price.

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Rechtbank Amsterdam
NL Law

Breaking off negotiations: does unjust enrichment lead to liability for damages?

The Dutch Supreme Court rendered a decision on 14 June 2024 that sheds light on the standards for a party’s obligation to reimburse the other party’s costs when breaking off negotiations.

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