EU and Competition Law
Oneerlijk handelspraktijken: misleiding en agressie op het internet
Tom Verdonk en Robin Tess Bolland duiken in de wereld van oneerlijke handelspraktijken in de digitale context. Ze bespreken o.a. de verschillende vormen van oneerlijke handelspraktijken en hoe hierop gehandhaafd wordt door toezichthouders.
Google Shopping: self-preferencing can be abusive
The European Court of Justice has confirmed that Google abused its dominance by favouring its own shopping comparison service and demoting competing ones. However, not all favouritism is doomed.
Get ready for more action! Dutch investment screening continues to evolve
Dutch investment screening is rapidly expanding: since June, the proposal for a separate defence regime has been published and the intended expansion of the regime of the Vifo Act to include AI and biotech has been announced. Reason for a quick update!
Qualcomm falls prey to EU court’s predatory pricing ruling
The EU General Court confirms that Qualcomm’s below-cost pricing strategy designed to eliminate competition was predatory. This judgment, the first of its kind in over a decade, provides useful guidance on predatory pricing practices.