Seminar on Trade Secrets in corporate matters

BE Law
EU Law

Shhhhhh.... Don't tell anyone! Trade Secrets in corporate matters. The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows (Aristotle Onassis) On 31 January 2020, our IP and corporate law departments organise a seminar on Trade Secrets in corporate matters.

Get to know the importance of trade secrets and learn from our practical recommendations during a lunch seminar in our Brussels office, located next to the central train station.

Why attend?

In today’s knowledge-based economy, trade secrets comprise a substantial portion of a company’s value. To determine the value of a company, a due diligence of its IP portfolio, comprising its trade secrets is essential. A negligent assessment thereof can result in important issues delaying the transaction envisaged or leading to post transaction claims.

During this seminar, the following topics will be addressed:

  • the legal status of trade secrets after the adoption of the EU Trade Secrets Directive and its transposition in Belgium;
  • ownership and control;
  • how to identify trade secrets;
  • protection mechanisms to safeguard a company’s trade secrets;
  • how to reduce the risk of IP leakage post transaction; and
  • how to prevent or solve possible third party claims.

Programme & practical information

This seminar is co-organised by our IP and corporate law departments.

12:00: Registration

12:15: Light lunch & introduction

12:30: Presentations

14:00: End

Registration is free of charge. If you would like to attend, please send an e-mail to

We look forward to seeing you on 31 January!