Branda Katan

Branda specializes in collective actions and in complex contractual disputes, often with cross-border or regulatory aspects. She has acted in a broad spectrum of cases comprising ESG-related matters, industrial accidents and consumer rights cases.

Branda Katan Stibbe

Branda Katan

Partner Amsterdam

Branda specializes in collective actions and in complex contractual disputes, often with cross-border or regulatory aspects. She has acted in a broad spectrum of cases comprising ESG-related matters, industrial accidents and consumer rights cases.

Branda Katan

Partner Amsterdam

She is a lucid, dedicated and responsive lawyer with an eye for detail.

Branda is Professor by Special Appointment for the Corporate Litigation chair at Leiden University. She regularly publishes about ESG litigation, the Dutch class action regime and the attribution of knowledge to legal entities. She holds a Ph.D. (with honours) from the Radboud University Nijmegen.

Branda is editor of the Dutch Review of Civil Law (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht) and a former editor of Company law monthly review (Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht). 

Languages: Dutch, English, French
Admitted to the Amsterdam Bar: 2005
People talking in office building
NL Law

Stibbe represents Apple Inc. in opt-out class action for alleged abuse of dominance

Stibbe is acting as Apple's defence counsel in a Dutch opt-out class action for alleged abuse of a dominance in relation to the App Store.

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Meeting room with a lounge, bookcases and a conference table with laptops, all kinds of stationary, books and papers at Stibbe in Brussels
NL Law

Stibbe defends KLM against greenwashing claims

Fossielvrij NL has launched a greenwashing claim against Royal Dutch Airlines KLM, the first of its kind to be brought under the Dutch collective action regime.

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Brussels park scene featuring vibrant green trees, people casually strolling, and the prominent presence of the Palace of Justice amidst other historic architecture in the background
NL Law

Stibbe advises Bureau Clara Wichmann on appeal in birth mother case

The Dutch state forced at least 13,000 women to give up their newborn babies between 1956 and 1984. These birth mothers suffered a great deal of distress as a result, and many of them are still feeling the pain today.

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Brussels park scene featuring vibrant green trees, people casually strolling, and the prominent presence of the Palace of Justice amidst other historic architecture in the background
NL Law

Stibbe begeleidt Bureau Clara Wichmann in hoger beroep zaak ‘Afstandsmoeders’ tegen de Staat

In de periode 1956-1984 werden minstens 13.000 vrouwen door de Nederlandse staat gedwongen hun pasgeboren kind af te staan. Hierdoor hebben de zogenoemde afstandsmoeders veel leed ondergaan, waarvan vele nu nog steeds de gevolgen ondervinden.

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