Tirza Cramwinckel has won the 2023 Praemium Erasmianum Foundation's Dissertation Prize

Inside Stibbe
NL Law

We are delighted to announce that Tirza Cramwinckel has won the Dissertation Prize 2023 with her dissertation ‘Voorlichting door de Belastingdienst in rechtsstatelijke context. Een juridisch en communicatiewetenschappelijk onderzoek naar gewekt vertrouwen’.

In her dissertation, Tirza Cramwinckel explored legal questions raised by the need for general information given by the Dutch Tax Authorities to be as simple and understandable as possible, while tax law by its very nature is complex and technical. Drawing from the argumentation box of the law, case law, scientific literature and tax practice, and using tools from linguistics and communication sciences, her dissertation contained outcomes and insights that are socially relevant, plausible, topical and – most importantly – practically applicable.

Impressed by the transparency, structure, style and persuasiveness with which the dissertation was set up and written as a book, the jury of the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation’s 2023 Dissertation Prizes was delighted to award one of the five Dissertation Prizes to Tirza Cramwinckel.

Read the Report by the selection committee here